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“Stay at Home” DIY! Projects to do with the kids while stuck at home

Well, you’re stuck at home. So are the kids. Between all of the “Zoom” video conferencing and press conferences by the governor, there MUST be some productive things you can get done, right? Well, it turns out the answer is “yes!” There are plenty of DIY projects you can tackle while quarantined. You can even include the kids, and count it as homeschooling (we won’t tell)!

So head down to the Lowe’s or Home Depot (they’re essential businesses), wash your hands, and get to work!

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DIY With the Kids #1: Painting

Of all the DIY tasks you might decide to tackle with your kids, painting is one of the easiest. Sure, you might not want them cutting in around the baseboards or crown molding, but getting the kids rolling can be fun, helpful, and a bit of a workout. Plus, if they don’t do a great job, you have to do another coat afterwards anyway, right?

If you do decide to tackle the basement or bedroom walls while your sheltered-in-place, here are some things to think about:

  • Don’t make common painting mistakes. This can include not utilizing drop cloths, choosing cheap materials, and more.
  • Be sure to choose the right type of paint. Oil-based vs. latex, paint and primer in one, different sheens… there are a lot of choices. Be sure to pick the one that’s right for the room you’re working on.
  • Have your kids help pick out the colors using the color cards at the home improvement store. Give them three that you really like and let them make the final choice!

DIY With the Kids #2: Install New Hardware

When you plan on including kids in your DIY project, you want to find things that are safe and easy to learn. That means power tools are likely out. Most hand tools, however, shouldn’t be much of a problem.

One job that usually requires not more than a screwdriver is replacing the hardware on your kitchen or bathroom cabinets. Sure, new kitchen or bath cabinets would be great, but purchasing and installing new cabinetry is expensive and time consuming (and not necessarily a kid’s job). Want to give your cabinetry a fresh look without all the time and expense? Replacing your hardware is a great choice. There is a wide variety of options in terms of cost and style, ensuring that you can make a choice that’s right for your home and budget. What’s more, you and your kids can probably complete this job in less than an hour.

DIY With the Kids #3: Light Plumbing

Trust the kids with DIY plumbing? It’s actually not all that daunting. Leaky faucets or running toilets are often a pretty simple fix. You may find that a wrench and a screwdriver will usually do the trick. Plus, you’re asking them to help, not do the work themselves, right?

Here’s a list of some DIY plumbing projects with which the kids can easily help out:

Make your quarantine a DIY time!

If you are bored at the house and the kids are driving you crazy, just get them involved in some of those DIY projects you’ve been putting off! It will get stuff done around that house AND get the kids off of their video games for a few minutes.

Have bigger projects that need taken care of during a hard time like this? ProMaster Home Repair remains open as an “essential business.” We’re operating under all CDC and state guidelines, so you can feel good knowing ProMaster operates with your safety in mind. Contact ProMaster today! You can schedule online, use the “Reach Out” form at the bottom of this page, or call 513-322-2914.


  1. Jane Vincent says

    Ive always believed in the power of DIY. Thanks for a nice article for a time such as this!

  2. DIY? Why not? Thanks for this article. So helpful! 🙂

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