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Storm Damage Repair

Hail a Hero!

Storm Damage Repair

Has Your Home Suffered Storm damage? Don’t Panic!

Mother Nature is not always kind to Cincinnati homeowners. We often get hit with extreme weather, leaving many of us in need of professional storm damage repair. Tornadoes, hail, and thunderstorms have affected hundreds of homes and businesses in the past several weeks, with repairs costs steadily rising

Extreme Weather Roof Damage

Bad weather can turn a small, existing problem into a giant, unavoidable one. That sagging tree branch over the roof or that loose gutter you promised your wife you’d fix will eventually give way. Do you really want to hear those four words from your wife again: “I told you so”?

While bad weather can’t be avoided, shoddy and unprofessional repair work (and an angry wife) can be. ProMaster is one of the most trusted names in home improvement in Cincinnati for numerous reasons. Here are just some of them:

  • Timeliness: No 2-4 hour arrival time windows here! When we say 8:00 am, we mean 8:00 am!
  • Family-friendly: Don’t just let anyone into your home. ProMaster craftsmen are all rigorously background-checked so that you can rest assured they will treat you, your home, and your family with the utmost respect.
  • Trustworthy: A+ BBB rating. Fully insured. All our work comes with a one year warranty.
  • Multi-Disciplined: NO subcontractors to deal with or salesmen to get pressured by. You deal directly with the master craftsmen who will be working on your home throughout the project.

Roof Storm Damage Repair Videos


Depending on the state of the home and the varying type and severity of any particular storm, there is a lot to look out for when the skies clear. Sometimes problems can be caused by poor craftsmanship, as in the video above, but many times these sorts of repairs are simply as inevitable as stormy weather.

3 Ways to Help Prevent Storm Damage

A little work can go a long way. There are several steps a homeowner can take to prevent paying for unnecessary storm damage repair down the road. Here a some that won’t cost you too much time and can save you money in the long run.

1. Clean Gutters

Depending on surrounding trees and foliage, cleaning your gutters can be a twice-a-year activity. But since the windy and violent nature of storms bombards your gutters with dirt and debris, it’s always a good idea to make sure they’re clean before a storm rolls in. Clear away any visibly dead or loose tree branches on or around the house and gutters. (If your home has box gutters, we’ve got the perfect solution to prevent a lot of common gutter problems!)

2. Inspect Roof

While it may take an expert to repair, it doesn’t necessarily take an expert to spot. Many potential problems can be spotted from the ground with a pair of binoculars, but a closer look using a ladder is always beneficial. Just be careful if you do decide to have a closer look! Keep an eye out for any curling or missing shingles, and inspect the flashing for cracked caulk or rust spots. Have a look at the rubber boots around the vent pipes to determine they aren’t cracked or worn down. Make note of any moss, mold, and discoloration you see as it could help a roofing expert diagnose problems in the future.

3. Secure Windows

Inspect your windows by making sure there are no cracks in the glass, no apparent wood rot on the frame or sill, and that the trim isn’t peeling or coming apart. If your windows are equipped with shutters, use them. The sort of damage you see in the picture invites more water in during storms, causing even more problems.

Also remember to bring in or tie down any outdoor items (grills, lawn chairs, kids toys, chimes, etc.) as they can easily become projectiles in extreme wind.

To further ensure your home is protected against severe weather, it’s best to invite a home care professional out to inspect it thoroughly.

It Costs to Wait on Storm Damage Repair

Broken Roof Shingles
Broken Roof Shingles

The most obvious (and most embarrassing) is seeing parts of your roof spread out on your lawn or driveway like confetti. Loose and damaged shingles are the most common indication that you have a problem. Without any storm damage repair, you’re pretty much asking for a leak. Water can find its way down onto your ceiling and into the drywall, creating much more trouble than the original roof repair would be worth.

Another common problem that could require storm damage repair is the gutter. Heavy rains and winds tend to leave behind a mess, tossing dirt, twigs, leaves, and other material that can wind up in your gutter and cause a clog or loosen a seam. This can cause a lot of homeowner headaches in the form of water damage, wood rot, box gutter damage, etc. Avoid the headache by performing storm damage repair sooner rather than later.

Bathroom Ceiling Stain
Bathroom Ceiling Stain

Once water gets through your roof, the amount of potential problems rises quickly. A ceiling leak can cause anything from an embarrassing stain to concerning structural damage. It becomes super important that you have a home repair professional get that leak and damage under control as soon as possible.


More Than Just a Handyman Company…

At ProMaster, we understand your reservations regarding the handyman industry. Like used car salesmen, we’re often perceived as unprofessional, untrustworthy, and sometimes even dangerous. With handyman services topping consumer complaints alongside used car sales, it’s not hard to see why.

That’s why ProMaster exists! We prove to our customers everyday that we are unlike any other handyman company in Cincinnati. You can always expect us to be:

  • Professional: Our craftsmen are all multi-disciplined and highly-trained. The best craftsmen Cincinnati has to offer.
  • On-time: We are the only Cincinnati handyman company that respects your time with exact time appointments.
  • Family-friendly: Letting strangers into your home can be dangerous. Not with ProMaster! Each of our employees is rigorously background-checked to ensure the safety of your family and property.
ProMaster of Cincinnati Performing Roof Repairs
ProMaster Craftsman Repairing Roof

Your home is one of the largest investment in your life; hesitancy is expected. But if you’ve read all this way so far, you’re probably someone who understands that.

At ProMaster, we want you to do the research! We’re confident that when you see the type of company we are and the quality of service we provide, you won’t want to work with any other handyman ever again!

Here are the facts to prove it:

  • Recognized for Marketplace Ethics as a two-time BBB Torch Award Finalist 2015 & 2016
  • Winner of Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce’s “10 Under 10” award in 2012
  • Named a “Big 50 Award” National Industry Leader by Remodeling Magazine in 2012
  • Listed in Cincy Magazine’s top 40 Cincinnati businesses in 2010
  • Member of Greater Cincinnati and Clermont County Chambers of Commerce

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