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Are My Gutters Clogged?

Clogged Gutter Drain

Clogged Gutter Drain

Are my gutters clogged? Oftentimes the cause of a clogged, leaking or malfunctioning gutter can’t be seen on the surface. Many homes appropriately channel the discharge from a gutter into an underground pipe that carries the water away from the home.  Unfortunately, however, these lines are subject to intrusion from debris, soil and tree roots.  Sometimes, they become so clogged that they can’t be cleared with conventional drain cleaning equipment and therefore, must be excavated and replaced.  Here is a recent example of one such gutter drain that we repaired for a client in Cincinnati.  If you are having trouble with any of your drain lines, it might be because they look like this!  If you are worried that your drain lines resemble the picture above, call ProMaster Home Repair & Handyman at (513) 322-2914, or visit us at .


  1. That right hand belongs to my right arm…the clog actually ran about 20 ft from start to finish!! Darn tree roots.

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